Company description
Tarot pictures the Universe and all that is within its realm. Tarot readings are offered to serve as alleyway on the picture of your life, enhancing challenges, opportunities and life-lessons which come along your way. Mystic Blessings offers a service by using Tarot to explore yourself and your world through readings.
Numerology analysis is informative and gives you clarity and understanding on your life path. Numerology readings have been designed using more than a decade of knowledge and experience in working with energy patterns. Mystic Blessings can give you insight into your life's challenges and blessings. We will show you the Archetypical patterns that you are manifesting and expressing in this lifetime.
Reiki is a way of life as much as it is a procedure of healing. While working with reiki, one works with the universal energy arena and with the human energy arena. It is a very beautiful and simple form of healing and way of life. It is based on loving kindness and compassion, being respectful and mindful.
Psychometry readings can be given to offering help on personal & business issues and they can’t be evidential afterlife readings. When you come for a psychic reading, you might want to know about relationships, health, career, and finance related queries. We are an experienced Psychometry reader and are willing to offer our skills to assist others.